The following quotations were recorded during a six day road trip to Yellowstone National Park.
“That’s my ‘yay’ dance…mostly it’s just convulsions.” – Greener
“No one should ever give me a [dead] elk and say ‘Here – care for this.'” – Sarah
“That’s so beautiful.” – Sarah, about the mountains
“Yeah. I’m gonna have to put some pants on for that.” – Greener
“I really would love to live in your dream world – crazy stuff happens there.” – Krystal
“We’re getting closer [to the bottom of the mountain pass] so if we were to fall, we wouldn’t necessarily die right away.” – Greener
“Where are the wild dangeroos?” – Tourist to a park ranger after reading a sign about the bison being “wild and dangerous.”
“I am SO tan. I am jealous of myself.” – Sarah
“Now if we fall, maybe only one of us would break our neck.” – Greener, on getting even closer to the bottom of the mountain pass
“Well, step outside sir, and I’ll tell you what I think. I owe you a good whoopin’ anyway.” Krsytal talking to her colleague
“Holy Me-Cheeseballs.” – Greener viewing the lake for the first time
“Good call on avoiding that exit. There’s construction…and they’re moving a house…but look, there’s vodka.” – Sarah
“This is rush hour?” – Greener
“Ok, judgy pants.” – Sarah
“I’ve been wearing them all day.” – Greener
Love It! Now I want to hear all the ones you couldn’t print. Glad you are back…and alive. (Now go take a shower)
Ria knows us too well. :)
I want you to come back now please!lol