I can count the number of things that will keep my husband up past a reasonable bedtime. Those things are the Superbowl…well, that’s all I’ve got, I guess it’s just the one thing. When a person’s alarm goes off at 3:45 a.m. for work, I suppose that it makes sense that the list is short.
The list doubled a few weeks ago when Terry got sucked in to the real life world of a television show called Duck Dynasty. Let me first say that Terry does not hunt and I’m not sure of his overall opinion of ducks, but this show really isn’t as much about the ducks as it is about the family that became millionaires creating duck calls.
Recent conversations with everyone he knows go like this…
“Have I told you about Duck Dynasty?” Terry asks.
The response goes one of two ways. Option 1: “Yes, several times.” Or Option 2: “No, what’s Duck Dynasty?”
The second option is his very favorite response, which is exactly what my brother Kent and sister-in-law Trisha said during a recent visit.
Don’t worry, Terry brought them up to speed with a synopsis of the Robertson family of Louisiana and how Phil Robertson created these duck calls and now his son Willie is the CEO of the company and tries to keep all of his relatives working instead of goofing off. Did I mention they became filthy rich? That part doesn’t seem to matter to most of them. It’s still camouflage, face paint, and shootin’ stuff at all hours of the day.
Terry had Kent and Trisha watch two full episodes of the show, one of which he had already seen. Luckily, they loved the show, but Terry’s obsession left him up a good hour past his usual sleeping time – a vary rare occasion.
In one of the episodes they watched, many of the Robertsons went to the country club under the dark of night to pick giant frogs out of one of the ponds. Technically, they were stealing and trespassing, but they got out of the jam and enjoyed some fabulous frog legs.
The show’s website features some of the family’s recipes, a breakdown of “redneck logic,” and a listing of best one-liners from the cast of characters.
Like the time Uncle Si said, “All of my stories are 95 percent truthful.”
Or the time Phil said, “Uptown living, you’ve got to call 911. Where I am, I am 911.”
Money has not changed these people. They are who they are and they make no apologies.
So, after Terry asks you if you’ve heard of Duck Dynasty, he will tell you that the show is on the cable network A&E. Then he will tell you when the next episode is on and strongly urge that you watch it. When you see him the next time, you better have a piece of that episode memorized because there will be a quiz.
Even when the show is not on we’re still thinking of the Duck Dynasty and supporting our new friends in the bayou thanks to a newly purchased little brass duck head that sits proudly in our living room.
It adds a new flair to the whole room and reminds Terry to constantly check his new favorite channel for marathons of his new obsession.